“She Rises” – YWCA Clinton

It is an exciting time at the YWCA Clinton.  We have started advertising for mentors for our “She Rises” program supported by an Iowa Women’s Foundation grant.  We are reaching out to professional women’s groups, YWCA committees that support our mission, and by word of mouth to find mentors.  Before I began working for the […]

2020 Core Grantees Announced

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The Iowa Women’s Foundation has announced the Core Grantees for 2020. $100,000 has been awarded to eleven organizations across Iowa to shatter the barriers women and girls face to economic self-sufficiency: Employment, Child Care, Housing, Education/Training, Transportation and Mentoring. Recipients are: House of Hope, Domestic Violence Intervention Program, Girls on the Run of Eastern Iowa, […]

LOVE Girls Magazine

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“We do not dislike boys; we simply understand that life for girls is different, and often harder.” I have two daughters. When my oldest was a senior in high school, she applied for many scholarships. Most applications required an essay. Kayla worked hard to craft her story and when it was completed, she left it […]

Eureka! by Girls Inc. Introduces Young Women to STEM

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The Girls Inc. Eureka! program is a STEM-based program designed to build girls’ confidence and skills through hands-on opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM).  Girls spend their mornings on a local college campus in labs, outdoors, and in college classrooms, where they experience hands-on STEM activities and instruction. Not only are girls inspired to consider […]

EMBARC & UNI Partner to Form the Community Producers Program

Community Producer Program Graduation

The Community Producers Program (CPP) is an initiative of the University of Northern Iowa in partnership with Ethnic Minorities of Burma Advocacy & Resource Center (EMBARC), AmeriCorp VISTA, First Baptist Church, and First United Methodist Church. CPP works to provide economic empowerment opportunities for refugee women in Waterloo, Iowa and has given many the opportunity […]

Building a Culture of Support for Pregnant and Parenting Young Women – EyesOpenIowa

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EyesOpenIowa (EOI) has a mission of providing comprehensive sexual health education for young people across the state of Iowa. As part of that mission, EOI has a strong commitment to supporting all youth, including young moms. School systems may overlook or negatively characterize young moms, often without realizing it. Because of this, EOI launched an […]

Professional Development for Low-Resource Women – Dress For Success Quad Cities

Dress For Success Quad Cities Logo

When CEO Joi Gordon thought about the opportunities she had been given to network and attend seminars or conferences that would advance her career as a young lawyer, and after joining Dress for Success Worldwide, she realized there was a real gap for the low-resource women we serve. Once they are given free suits for […]

Lifting Each Other Up with ACT Chief Commercial Officer Suzana Delanghe

Suzana Delanghe ACT CCO

Learn what Women’s History Month means to ACT Chief Commercial Officer, Suzana Delanghe, and why she’s championing the talent and values women bring to society. As we celebrate Women’s History Month, we reflect on our relationships with organizations like the Iowa Women’s Foundation (IWF) that share our commitment to helping people—particularly women and girls—find success. […]

Fast Track to Success – Amani Community Services

Amani Community Services Logo

Amani Community Services is the Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault Agency serving African Americans in Waterloo, Cedar Rapids and Dubuque, Iowa. Our mission is to end all gender-based violence in the African American community. We know that the number one reason our clients stay in domestic violence situations longer than they intend to is because […]