

IWF found that employment was the most frequently mentioned barrier throughout focus groups for the 2016 SHE MATTERS report.

Women in Iowa need more opportunities, better wages, male allies in the workplace, and more to shatter the barriers and chart their own paths to success and economic self-sufficiency.

When women succeed, Iowa wins.

70% of Iowa’s female head-of-households struggle economically.

iJAG staff poses for a group photo at Honey Creek

Through IWF's support, we will be able to expand our work with construction trades employers and associations - giving 1,500 diverse iJAG women the opportunity to build awareness of careers in the construction trades. For those who choose to step into those careers, iJAG will be there to support them as they transition from high school into jobs leading to sustainable wealth.

— Laurie Phelan, President and CEO, Iowa Jobs for America’s Graduates