Montgomery County Child Development Center – BCCCSF Grant

The Montgomery County Child Development Association (MCCDA) was formed to address the lack of quality affordable child care in Montgomery County.
Stanton Child Care Resource Center Expansion – BCCCSF Grant

The Stanton Child Resource Center has been at capacity with a waiting list for over 4 years. It’s now working to more than double capacity through an addition and renovation of the current facility.
Stronger Together: Supporting Families with High-Quality, Accessible Child Care – BCCCSF Grant

The Stronger Together after school child care program eliminates the need for parents to leave work or secure help picking up students from school and transporting them to child care, and it also maximizes the time the students spend on active, engaging, and safe activities
Cedar Valley Kids design project

Cedar Valley Kids (CVK) will provide high-quality childcare to infants through school-age children. Ideally, CVK will build two or more sites, each serving about 100 children, in Waterloo. Funding will be used for initial design expenses which can then be replicated for additional sites and not duplicated saving funds for construction and startup costs.
CECC Expansion

The Community Early Childhood Center (CECC) expansion project will add a 4,908 square foot addition on to the north side of the current one level facility, allowing CECC to increase the number of children to whom we can provide child care services from 151 children to 207.
Expansion of Quality & Affordable Early Learning

Crittenton center offers high quality, affordable early learning care for families in all socio-economic levels. The project will expand childcare access to families in the most rapidly growing yet underserved area of Siouxland.
Hawkeye Childcare Disparity Scholarships – CORE Grant

Hawkeye tries to carefully balance the expense of providing quality childcare with the need for affordable access for students who face greater than normal obstacles in pursuing, achieving, and succeeding in educational goals.
Hawkeye Childcare Director Credential

Hawkeye Community College Foundation seeks to provide licensed childcare directors (or individuals nearing completion of Iowa licensure requirements) an opportunity to explore the entrepreneurial intricacies of opening their own centers. Additional centers expand both the number of employment opportunities and available childcare spaces.
Lil’ Wildcat Education Center Playground

The Lil’ Wildcat Education Center will accommodate up to 60 children, ages two-weeks-old to 11 years-old, and offer care five days a week, 12 hours a day. LWEC will offer a before and after-school program as well as 3-year-old preschool.
Northeast Iowa Child Care & Discovery Center

IWF’s grant will pay for Design Development Phase II Architectural Services for a new child care “Discovery Center” increasing child care capacity from 135 children to 200 – 300 children. It will incorporate high-quality STEAM learning and play areas for the childcare attendees and other children on evenings and weekends.