Stronger Together: Supporting Families with High-Quality, Accessible Child Care – BCCCSF Grant

Beginning in the fall of 2019, The YWCA Clinton in partnership with the Clinton Community School District implemented an innovative new program that provides convenient on-site after school child care in their elementary schools. The Stronger Together after school child care program helps working women and families in two ways: it eliminates the need for parents to leave work or secure help picking up students from school and transporting them to child care, and it also maximizes the time the students spend on active, engaging, and safe activities instead of spending valuable time sitting passively on a bus being transported to child care after school. This new program includes homework assistance, healthy snacks, and both outside playing and gym time. Funds from IWF will be used for program costs which include hardware/software, furniture, STEAM activities, and outdoor activities, books, sports equipment and craft supplies.