SEJH After-School Girl’s Dance Club

The Southeast Junior High After-School Dance Club will provide a place where girls can express themselves and build confidence and is an alternative to competitive sports, sedentary habits, and unsafe street activities.
Skylark Scholarships

The Skylark Project seeks to expand its services to improve incarcerated survivors’ economic security through higher education. Skylark Scholarships will fund ten $500 scholarships, enabling students to receive college education or technical training.
Strong Girls Read Strong Books

Strong Girls Read Strong Books provides the means for girls to see themselves as readers, thoughtful decision-makers, and leaders.
Women Taking Charge

Women Taking Charge will provide up to 40 girls at South Hardin High School with the resources to discuss women’s issues and enact social change.
Angel House

The Angel House will help homeless, substance-addicted women transition into substance-free, independent living. This facility will provide the most comprehensive assistance available to women in recovery in the area.
Blueprint for Winning Academy

The Blueprint for Winning Academy is an intensive bipartisan training program for strong female candidates. The focus is on communication, fundraising, message, presence, and media.
HEAT Force (Housing and Economic Advocacy Taskforce)

The Housing and Economic Advocacy Taskforce combines the efforts of both service-providing and policy-research non-profits in order to give low-income women and domestic abuse survivors more financial opportunities.
ISED Women’s Business Center TechStart

ISED’s Women’s Business Center intends to teach its clients to use computers and the internet more effectively so they can grow their businesses and access state and private resources that increasingly are found only online.
Shining Starts: Girls Looking Ahead Project

Through the Shining Stars: Girls Looking Ahead Project, elementary and middle school girls “in need of improvement” are recruited to participate in weekly activities and experiences at UNI while tracking their academic progress.
Enrichment for Women after Trauma

The mission of Crossroads of Iowa is to reduce relapse/recidivism among a unique group of women emerging from the Iowa Correctional Institution for Women, i.e., those imprisoned for drug crimes and treated for drug addiction while in prison.