Latina Outreach Project

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Southern Iowa Family Planning Clinic’s Latina Outreach Project will increase family planning choices and improve healthcare in a rural community by offering Spanish-language presentations, health fairs and regularly scheduled appointments.

What We think

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Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Iowa’s “What We Think” program aims to engage young women to design, lead and publish a comprehensive survey project assessing the attitudes and experiences of adolescent girls, providing an opportunity for practical skill development and long-term social impact.

Girls on the Move

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Northeast Iowa Community College’s “Girls on the Move” program aims to empower rural girls in grades 6-8 by providing exposure to historic female role models, education on health-related issues, and establishing a young women’s task force to develop future enrichment activities.

Project C.O.P.E. (Counseling, Options, Prevention, Education)

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Children and Families of Iowa’s Project C.O.P.E. (Counseling, Options, Prevention, Education) will sponsor the overcoming of barriers for victims of domestic violence/sexual assault in rural areas to access critical services while maximizing safety for victims and increasing outreach efforts.

Lesbian Outreach Project

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The Lesbian Outreach Project aims to bridge gaps in providing domestic/sexual violence services to the LGBT community by providing on-going in-depth training to staff and volunteers.

Outdoor Involvement

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Girl Scouts of Conestoga Council/ Quakerdale’s Outdoor Involvement program will Link girls from both organizations to engage in outdoor team-building challenges with the outcome of increasing positive self-image and confidence.

Creative Discovery

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Catherine McAuley Center for Women’s Creative Discovery Program aims to utilize artistic expression through a two-day retreat and ongoing art therapy, allowing transitional housing residents new, positive avenues to reach their goals.