Latina Outreach Project

Southern Iowa Family Planning Clinic’s Latina Outreach Project will increase family planning choices and improve healthcare in a rural community by offering Spanish-language presentations, health fairs and regularly scheduled appointments.
What We think

Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Iowa’s “What We Think” program aims to engage young women to design, lead and publish a comprehensive survey project assessing the attitudes and experiences of adolescent girls, providing an opportunity for practical skill development and long-term social impact.
Girls on the Move

Northeast Iowa Community College’s “Girls on the Move” program aims to empower rural girls in grades 6-8 by providing exposure to historic female role models, education on health-related issues, and establishing a young women’s task force to develop future enrichment activities.
Project C.O.P.E. (Counseling, Options, Prevention, Education)

Children and Families of Iowa’s Project C.O.P.E. (Counseling, Options, Prevention, Education) will sponsor the overcoming of barriers for victims of domestic violence/sexual assault in rural areas to access critical services while maximizing safety for victims and increasing outreach efforts.
Lesbian Outreach Project

The Lesbian Outreach Project aims to bridge gaps in providing domestic/sexual violence services to the LGBT community by providing on-going in-depth training to staff and volunteers.
Outdoor Involvement

Girl Scouts of Conestoga Council/ Quakerdale’s Outdoor Involvement program will Link girls from both organizations to engage in outdoor team-building challenges with the outcome of increasing positive self-image and confidence.
Creative Discovery

Catherine McAuley Center for Women’s Creative Discovery Program aims to utilize artistic expression through a two-day retreat and ongoing art therapy, allowing transitional housing residents new, positive avenues to reach their goals.
Pathways to Progress: Micro-enterprise Program for Incarcerated Women

The Institute for Social and Economic Development aims to advance opportunities for incarcerated women to create financial independence post-release by providing training and technical assistance to become business owners.
What’s $$ Got to Do With It? Economic Power for Immigrant Women

The Iowa Coalition Against Domestic Violence will leverage resources to increase the economic self-determination of immigrant women while providing access to asset-building strategies, micro-enterprise development and job training.
Different Colors of Violence Conference for Youth

The Different Colors of Violence Conference for Youth aims to train and inform youth from communities of color on strategies to prevent sexual assault and how to seek assistance.