Empowering Young African American Women

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YWCA of Black Hawk County aims to increase graduation rates and decrease teenage pregnancy among African American high school women by engaging in community service mentoring and educational activities targeted around personal growth, black heritage, decision making, and career exploration.

The Circle Program Mentoring Project

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Johnson County Juvenile Court/ United Action for Youth will lay the foundation for a mentoring program to match adult women with teen girls on probation to intercede and prevent high-risk behavior through the development of caring one-on-one relationships.

Window of Joy

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Window of Joy challenges the public misconception that domestic abuse affects only young women while establishing a core group of mature volunteers to act as mentors and peer educators.

Latinas! Stay in School

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Young Women’s Resource Center’s “Latinas! Stay in School” program aims to unite middle school-aged Hispanic girls with successful high school role models to reinforce the importance of staying in school.

Wize Girlz

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Wize Girlz is an after-school program for middle-school girls in Waterloo, which will provide a stable environment for girls to explore and discuss issues such as personal health, racism, violence prevention, leadership, education and employment.

Girls Power

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YWCA’s Girls Power will empower girls ages 11-13 by promoting leadership skill and positive self-esteem through interaction with female ISU students.

LOVE Girls Training and Internship Program

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With the assistance of IWF’s grant, Love Girls Magazine will host a leadership development and media and marketing internship program for adolescent girls ages 13 to 19 years old.