
Housing Stability and Financial Empowerment

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The mission of Cedar Valley Friends of the Family is to provide immediate safety and long-term stability for women and children affected by domestic violence in 14 northeast Iowa counties.

Housing Stability and Financial Empowerment

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The mission of Cedar Valley Friends of the Family is to provide immediate safety and long-term stability for women and children affected by domestic violence in 14 northeast Iowa counties.

Building Brighter Tomorrows for Homeless Women and Children

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The Opening Doors’ programs at Maria House and Teresa Shelter strive to ensure brighter tomorrows for women previously struggling with homelessness by helping to increase their financial resources, helping find permanent housing, and helping to provide other necessary support services to end the cycle of poverty.

Year 01 Operating Expenses

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Iowa City Sober Living (ICSL) is a new residential program supporting women in recovery from drugs and alcohol, providing 3-6 months of support designed to decrease recidivism and increase opportunities for healing the mind, body, and spirit.

Women Workforce Ready

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This program aims to build upon the foundation of our RRHP to ensure that once women are housed, they are equipped to keep their homes and experience financial and personal stability.

Building Self-Sufficiency through Supportive Housing Services

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The goal of this project is to provide women with the skills, tools and support to enable them to thrive while living in the Catherine McAuley Center’s Supportive Housing, and continue to build toward a future of self-sufficiency and empowerment.