Exhibit Kicks Off 19th Amendment Centennial

The Iowa Women’s Foundation hosted an event at Old Capitol on Friday, January 24th, for supporters and the League of Women Voters of Johnson County. The event gave attendees a preview of a special exhibit that opened to the public the following day. About 50 people join us at the Old Capitol Museum on the […]
Johnson County Proclamation Marks the Centennial Commemoration of the 19th Amendment

IWF was on hand in today for the Johnson County Board of Supervisors official proclamation to mark the centennial commemoration of the 19th Amendment and to encourage citizens to learn more about the women’s suffrage and the role women have played in our society. You can read the proclamation below.
First Golden Rattle Awards Presented

The Iowa Women’s Foundation has established the Golden Rattle Award to honor the work of an exceptional individual and a business that is going above and beyond to assist their employees with childcare. Dan Levi and Frontier Co-op are the first recipients of these awards. Dan Levi, owner of Levi Architects in Cedar Falls, Iowa, […]
2020 Core Grantees Announced

The Iowa Women’s Foundation has announced the Core Grantees for 2020. $100,000 has been awarded to eleven organizations across Iowa to shatter the barriers women and girls face to economic self-sufficiency: Employment, Child Care, Housing, Education/Training, Transportation and Mentoring. Recipients are: House of Hope, Domestic Violence Intervention Program, Girls on the Run of Eastern Iowa, […]
IWF Joins Other Women’s Foundations to Support Female Elected Officials

IWF has joined women’s foundations and funds from around the country by adding our name to the collective statement in support of female elected officials who have recently faced public vitriol. You can read the full statement below:
IWF Announces Annual Luncheon Keynote Speaker: Dr. Angela Sadler Williamson

The Iowa Women’s Foundation is pleased to announce that Angela Sadler Williamson, Ph.D, is the keynote speaker for the Annual Luncheon. The luncheon will take place on Thursday, October 3, 2019 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Coralville Marriott and Convention Center. Angela Sadler Williamson, Ph.D., is an award-winning independent filmmaker, speaker, and […]
IWF Announces 2019 Grantee Partners

The Iowa Women’s Foundation has announced its Grantee Partners for 2019. Due to the commitment of our supporters we are able to award $90,000 in grants to these programs that provide the tools for women and girls to be economically self-sufficient. Congratulations to each of these grantees. Amani Community Services: Fast Track to Success for […]
Linking Families & Communities Uses IWF Grant to Expand

A special thank you to Linking Families & Communities—the very first recipient of our Child Care Solutions Fund grant—for writing this Grant Partner blog. To learn more about this organization and how they are helping women and families in north central Iowa, visit https://www.linking-families.com/. Linking Families and Communities In order for children to grow up to […]
Meet the 2018 IWF Grant Partners

The Iowa Women’s Foundation was pleased to see so many of our supporters at our Annual Awards Luncheon. Because of your commitment and devotion to bettering the lives of Iowa’s women and girls, together, we are able to award $100,000 in grants to 13 Grant Partners for the 2018 year. These 13 organizations are doing […]
Women’s Foundations Committed over $29 Million in 2016

Partners of Prosperity Together, a collective effort of U.S. women’s foundations, including the Iowa Women’s Foundation, committed $29,170,427 in 2016 to help women in their communities acquire living-wage jobs, educational training and support, and affordable, high-quality childcare. One year ago, Prosperity Together announced a $100 million commitment to women’s economic security over the course of […]