IWF Celebrates Black History in Iowa: Pauline Brown Humphrey

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Pauline Brown Humphrey was the first African American woman to own and operate a certified cosmetology school in Iowa and the first certified to teach cosmetology in the state. Myrise Pauline Robinson Brown Humphrey was born in Des Moines, Iowa. She attended the Madam C.J. Walker school in Chicago in 1935. Upon returning to Des […]

IWF Celebrates Black History in Iowa: Minnie Robinson London

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Minnie Belle Robinson was born in 1862, in Lexington, Missouri. In 1891, 23 year old Minnie arrived in Muchakinock, Iowa with her sister, to teach grammar school. She also married miner turned businessman William Henry London that same year. London taught at the 5th street and 11th street elementary schools in Muchakinock. After moving to […]