Our Favorite Time of Year – Check Presentations!

Last October at the Iowa Women’s Foundation Annual Luncheon, we revealed exciting news: 2017 would be the biggest year for grant making in our organization’s 22-year history! At our annual Check Presentation Ceremony on January 11, we were proud to give more than $108,000 in grants to 18 Iowa nonprofits and organizations who share our important mission to improve the lives of ALL Iowa’s women and girls.

Thanks to the kindness of our donors, volunteers, and board and committee members, the Iowa Women’s Foundation is able to fund programs that tackle issues like the lack of educational/training, employment, quality affordable childcare, safe affordable housing, transportation, and mentors.

Learn More About the 2017 Grant Partners helping to make a difference in the lives of Iowa’s women and girls:

Boys and Girls Clubs of the Cedar Valley

This year, we gave $1,500 to the SMART Girls program focused on enhancing physical and emotional health in young women.

Cedar Valley Friends of the Family

CVFF received $5,000 for their Safe Shelter & Housing Stability program aimed at providing emergency safe shelter and homeless prevention services to victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence.

Christian Community Development – House of Hope

House of Hope, a transitional house for homeless mothers and their children, received $10,000 to provide case management support to participants who are either working or in school.

Crisis Intervention Services

IWF granted $5,000 to support the Survivor’s Economic Self-Sufficiency Project, which assists survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence living in their domestic violence shelter or transitional houses.

Dress for Success Quad Cities

$2,500 was awarded to Dress for Success to help fund the Professional Women’s Group, which provides job retention support and networking for low-resource women.

EMBARC – Changing Views on Daughters of Burma

Burmese cultures traditionally espouse a view of male superiority, and the experience of refugees living in the United States can disrupt this view. This year, we gave $9,435 to support Changing Views on Daughters of Burma, which helps Burmese refugees adjust to new cultural norms and set new aspirations for their daughters.

EyesOpenIowa – WISE

Working to Institutionalize Sex Education (WISE) received $1,000 to assist 35 Iowa school districts in complying with state law that requires public schools to provide age-appropriate, resourced-based instruction in human growth and development to grades 1-12.

Florence Crittenton Home of Sioux City – Step Up for Success

$5,000 was given to Step Up for Success, which provides assistance and resources to pregnant teens, enabling them to complete high school and move on to post-secondary education while caring for their child.

Foundation for Dubuque Schools – ReEngage Dubuque

WF granted $2,175 to support ReEngage Dubuque, which works with students who have dropped out of high school to “re-engage” them and help them get their diplomas through alternative means.

Girls on the Run of Eastern Iowa

$5,000 was given to Girls on the Run of Eastern Iowa to support Heart & Sole, which provides coaching and life skills mentoring to girls in middle or junior high school.

Girl Scouts of Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois

We awarded $7,500 to give under-served girls in grades K-8 the opportunity to be a Girl Scout, and eliminate the barriers that cause them to miss out.

Latina Initiative of Greater Des Moines

$5,000 was given to support this intensive leadership development and mentorship program aimed at building a pipeline of socially conscious Latina leaders between the ages of 20 to 34.

Lutheran Services in Iowa

IWF granted $10,000 to support LSI’s Refugee Child Care Training Program, which assists refugee women in becoming registered in-home child care providers, enabling them to enter the job market and help provide for their families.

Mid-Iowa Community Action, Inc. – Rural IMPACT

Rural IMPACT was presented with $7,000 to support services that combat poverty and improve upward mobility in rural and tribal places, with a focus on early childhood and adult education.

Nisaa African Family Services

$10,000 will go towards Nisaa’s Friendship Sewing Cooperative, which supports Iowa’s African newcomers by enabling refugees and immigrant women to earn an income, build confidence, and cultivate support networks.

Planned Parenthood of the Heartland

$5,000 was awarded to help establish a full-time educator position in the Bettendorf Health Center who will work to build stronger relationships with area schools, youth-serving organizations, and other community groups.

Tanager Place

IWF gave $10,000 to help fund Tanager’s PINQ Project, which provides mentorships to at-risk girls to enable them to grow together as successful African American women. PINQ participants are given the opportunity to help plan the next year’s program and become mentors themselves.

Women, Food and Agriculture Network

WFAN received $7,500 to support Harvesting Our Potential, which provides training, support, and mentorships to aspiring women farmers.

Help us continue supporting amazing programs like these by donating or becoming a volunteer. There are many ways to make a difference!

Snag a limited edition
IWF x RAYGUN t-shirt

available online for $22!

Each design shares an important message while proceeds help further IWF’s mission to improve the lives of Iowa’s women and girls. Order yours today before they’re gone!