
Liz currently serves as Board member, Chair of the Development Committee, and Chair of the Legacy Campaign for IWF.

While she may not be an Iowa native, she’s a Hawkeye through-and-through. Liz holds a bachelor’s degree in Nursing, a Master of Science degree in Nursing and a Doctorate (PhD) in Student Development and Personnel—all from the University of Iowa. She contributed over 40 years of service as an employee to the University, retiring as Associate Professor and Director, External Relations at the University of Iowa College of Nursing.

She is most passionate about the childcare crisis and improving access to affordable housing, as both of which are crucial for a woman’s confidence, independence, and stability.
Liz serves on the Board of Oaknoll Retirement Residence, hosts fundraising events, and contributes financially to many of the causes she supports. She is also active in the congregation of the Universal Unitarian Society.

Headshot of Liz Swanson