Chelle has lived in Iowa City for over 30 years and was drawn to IWF’s mission and research-based approach. She holds a BA in Biology and Elementary Education from University of Iowa, a MS degree in Biology from University of Nebraska Kearney, and a K-12 Iowa teaching certification.

As Public Relations Coordinator for University of Iowa’s SE Iowa STEM Region, she is passionate about early exposure to STEM—especially for women, who tend to be underrepresented in these roles.

In addition to education, Chelle is passionate about shattering the childcare barrier in Iowa. As a mother, and now grandmother, she has experienced the value of access to affordable, quality childcare and how it can impact a woman’s success.

Chelle is a Yoga in the Schools instructor, teaches yoga and mindfulness at Four Oaks, and has been involved with numerous boards and committees over the years.

Headshot of Chelle Lehman