Strong Girls Read Strong Books

Strong Girls Read Strong Books is a weekly after-school program for 4th-6th grade girls at Grant Wood Elementary School in Iowa City. Girls in the program are introduced to books with strong female protagonists. Girls read the books and respond to them using writing, illustration, drama, and movement. The girls also meet female community leaders, visit the public library and librarians, and engage in community leadership opportunities with younger girls.

Seventh grade girls who participated in the project during Spring 2013 will be invited to return as “Leader Helpers” and will have their own book discussion group that meets monthly at Southeast Junior High.

Pre-service teachers from the UI who participate in the program co-facilitate book discussions and may collaborate in the research with project leaders to study girls’ reading and responses to multicultural literature.

This project aims to help girls who are “at-risk” to think about themselves as future strong women with potential to be whatever they dream.

Snag a limited edition
IWF x RAYGUN t-shirt

available online for $22!

Each design shares an important message while proceeds help further IWF’s mission to improve the lives of Iowa’s women and girls. Order yours today before they’re gone!