Strike-A-Match – CORE Grant

LeadHer has identified a gap in local professional development for women, particularly development that would be accessible to every woman in the community, regardless of employment status or ability to pay for the service. To meet that need, the organization developed the Strike-A-Match mentoring program which connects applicants with a mentor who is individually recruited to meet each applicant’s needs. Not only does this provide one-on-one professional development, but in most cases, it also means that the applicant gains access to a new professional network in the community. The benefit of an expansive professional network cannot be overstated. The women who come through the program consistently report an increase in confidence from these new connections and this confidence translates directly into more tangible outcomes like willingness to negotiate salary and likelihood of applying for promotion thus increasing their economic self-sufficiency. The Strike-A-Match program participants are provided with structured networking events, skill-building sessions, and volunteer opportunities in addition to an assigned mentor or mentee.

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