Sliding Fee Scale for Professional Development Day Services – BCCCSF Grant

LINK Grinnell is a newly established after-school program serving children in kindergarten through 7th grade in the Grinnell area since September 3, 2019. LINK Grinnell was created in response to a gap of 437 spaces for after-school care in the community. The program is currently offering care on regular school days from 3 pm to 6:30 pm. During the 2019-2020 school year, he Grinnell-Newburg School District list five Mondays that are no-school days as well as four irregular-schedule days for teacher professional development and parent-teacher conferences. These days pose a challenge for working parents. Often a parent must take a day off work, patch together family, friend or neighbor care, or leave their children in less-desirable care conditions. Funds from IWF will be used to provide full-day care on no-school Mondays via a sliding fee scale in the second semester of this school year and continue in the 2020-21 school year.