MPCC After-School Program and MPCC Scholarship Program – CCSF Grant

Of primary concern for families in Henry County are the hours of availability for child care. 87% of working mothers say they are most concerned about their children’s safety during the hours after school. Research consistently shows that parents worry less and are more productive when their children are in after-school programs—a benefit to both local businesses and families.

In 2016, the United Way conducted a study in Iowa called ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed). The report challenges the assumption that to be working means your household is able to meet all its basic expenses. The study showed that, in 2016, 30 percent of Henry County households were unable to meet basic household budget needs on a weekly, monthly, or annual basis. These are the families this project seeks to target. There are currently no child care scholarship opportunities available.

Funds from IWF’s CCSF Grant will address both needs outlined above in Henry County by establishing an after-school program, as well as an income-based scholarship program for families, particularly for working mothers who are considered ALICE.

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