Lutheran Services in Iowa

This proposal builds upon an LSI project funded by the Iowa Women’s Foundation since 2015 in Des Moines to provide training and State of Iowa registration for refugee and immigrant women that wish to become in-home child care providers. It was created due to a gap in appropriate child care options for refugee and immigrant families, as well as interest among these families to work in the child care field and establish in-home businesses as a means of self sufficiency. LSI recently established a resettlement office in Sioux City, Iowa. One of the primary areas of interest within that community is to address a need for child care, and provide employment for women in their homes through in-home businesses. There is currently a lack of available child care at non-traditional times, as many parents work second and third shift jobs, that are linguistically and culturally appropriate for children and families so that both parents feel comfortable attending school or work. Funding will allow LSI to complete an assessment and develop a plan for a program in Sioux City. It will also allow for the identification of the first cohort of women that are ready to start in-home child care businesses and the implementation of orientation and introduction sessions, in partnership with Child Care Resource and Referral, to prepare them for the next steps