Hawkeye Community College Foundation, Waterloo

Decreasing availability of quality childcare has created barriers for employers and employees across Iowa. According to the Governor’s Childcare Task Force Report, Black Hawk County has 4.1-6 children per available childcare slot. Additionally, attracting childcare directors to open centers is difficult due to low wages in the Black Hawk Country area, the largest of Hawkeye’s service area. Childcare director salaries primarily affect women, as according to Lightcast labor market analytics, 91% of child day care service providers in Black Hawk County are women. Iowa Workforce Development’s wage report states the entry wage for childcare administrators in Northeast Iowa is $14.75, which puts them under the 175% poverty line for a two-person household, which is income-eligible for some public assistance programs. This leaves many women in childcare careers living in poverty. In response, Hawkeye established a Childcare Director Training Certification program in 2021. This training provides childcare providers the opportunity to grow their professional and financial futures. Due to continued success and ongoing demand, Hawkeye is seeking participant scholarships for the program as a supplement of student tuition for individuals whose salaries hover around the poverty line already. Funds provided would award 20 participants a $250 scholarship to participate in the program. Tuition for the program is $499 for the 12-week self-paced course

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