Friendship Sewing Cooperative

Iowa City is home to over 600 African refugee families. Although many African refugees speak English, most do not. Refugee women tend to be isolated and more dependent (socially and economically) on their husbands than they were in their home country. The Friendship Sewing Cooprative (FSC) offers a means of gaining economic self-sufficiency, supportive social networks, and self-confidence. This will make women less vulnerable to domestic violence. Instruction in sewing will be supplemented with literacy training and education in business fundamentals. Classes provide translation services as needed and free childcare. This is NSC‘s second year of IWF funding.

Snag a limited edition
IWF x RAYGUN t-shirt

available online for $22!

Each design shares an important message while proceeds help further IWF’s mission to improve the lives of Iowa’s women and girls. Order yours today before they’re gone!