Employment Services for Women and Girls with Disabilities

The barriers that women face for pay and employment equity are exponentially higher for women and girls in Iowa with a disability. Many women and girls come to Easterseals Iowa (ESI) with multiple barriers so an individualized approach is the best way to meet each individual where they are. Having support to gain meaningful employment leads to a more productive and higher level of self-sufficiency. ESI provides employment programs for young girls in high school all the way through the span of life through six different program lines:

  • TEAM-Transitioning to Employment and Advocating for Myself: a collaboration between Iowa Vocational Rehabilitation Services, Des Moines Public Schools and ESI;
  • Project SEARCH- internship program with Mercy ONE Medical Center;
  • AIM-Achieving Independent Methods- a wrap-around program for clients to learn and grow with employment;
  • Supported Employment- assists clients in both obtaining and maintaining community-based employment;
  • Rural Solutions- work site assistance for those from rural communities who have a disability;
  • Supportive Education- program designed to give individuals with disabilities support and guidance as they develop marketable skills through post-secondary education.

This grant will provide job exploration, quality job placements, and support with internships, job shadowing, barrier removal, assistive technology, and education on state assistance programs.

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IWF x RAYGUN t-shirt

available online for $22!

Each design shares an important message while proceeds help further IWF’s mission to improve the lives of Iowa’s women and girls. Order yours today before they’re gone!