
Domestic Violence Response Team Safety and Accountability Audit

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Linn County’s Team 236 will launch the Domestic Violence Response Team Safety and Accountability Audit to audit existing systems of Linn County response units and provide consultation to uncover needed social, policy and procedural changes to break down the cycle of domestic violence.

The White House Project

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The White House Project aims to advance women’s leadership in all levels—from local to national—to balance the scales for female public servants in Iowa.

Empowering Young African American Women

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YWCA of Black Hawk County aims to develop participants into responsible community leaders by engaging in community service and educational activities targeted to their unique cultural needs.

Celebrate Young Women’s Conference

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The Young Women’s Task Force “Celebrate Young Women” Conference will continue their 2003 grant project reaching out to young women from 10 rural counties.

Beyond Welfare Women’s Circles

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The goal of Beyond Welfare Women’s Circles is to establish a support network for women rejoining the community or those at risk for entering the justice system in order to address systemic issues linking poverty, inequality and incarceration.

Minor Sex-Trafficking Awareness Training

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The Minor Sex-Trafficking Awareness Training program will work to educate the community and local organizations, such as law enforcement and social services, in order to help them view these girls as victims rather than delinquents.

SEJH After-School Girl’s Dance Club

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The Southeast Junior High After-School Dance Club will provide a place where girls can express themselves and build confidence and is an alternative to competitive sports, sedentary habits, and unsafe street activities.

Skylark Scholarships

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The Skylark Project seeks to expand its services to improve incarcerated survivors’ economic security through higher education. Skylark Scholarships will fund ten $500 scholarships, enabling students to receive college education or technical training.