Beyond Welfare Women’s Circles

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The goal of Beyond Welfare Women’s Circles is to establish a support network for women rejoining the community or those at risk for entering the justice system in order to address systemic issues linking poverty, inequality and incarceration.

Girls on the Run

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Girls on the Run is an after-school program that uses the power of running to prepare 3rd-6th grade girls for a lifetime of self-respect and healthy living.

Iowa N.E.W. Leadership

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Iowa N.E.W. Leadership aims to enrich and encourage undergraduate women during a week-long residential learning experience with the long-term goal of increasing women’s representation at all levels of government.

Justice: Youthful Offender Program

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The Young Women’s Resource Center’s (YWRC) Youthful Offender Program aims to create a new beginning for young women facing legal charges through life-skills education and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

True Colors Music Therapy Project

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The True Colors Music Therapy Project engages troubled girls in music therapy sessions which result in improved behavior, emotional management and overall positive impact on well-being.

YWISE Girls Leadership Program

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The YWISE Girls Leadership Program will institute the Girls Circle curriculum to promote discussion of self-image, building healthy relationships and community engagement in a welcoming setting.

Blueprint for Winning Academy

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The Blueprint for Winning Academy is an intensive bipartisan training program for strong female candidates. The focus is on communication, fundraising, message, presence, and media.

HEAT Force (Housing and Economic Advocacy Taskforce)

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The Housing and Economic Advocacy Taskforce combines the efforts of both service-providing and policy-research non-profits in order to give low-income women and domestic abuse survivors more financial opportunities.

ISED Women’s Business Center TechStart

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ISED’s Women’s Business Center intends to teach its clients to use computers and the internet more effectively so they can grow their businesses and access state and private resources that increasingly are found only online.

Shining Starts: Girls Looking Ahead Project

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Through the Shining Stars: Girls Looking Ahead Project, elementary and middle school girls “in need of improvement” are recruited to participate in weekly activities and experiences at UNI while tracking their academic progress.