
Professional Women’s Group

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PWG was created to promote employment retention and career advancement by providing valuable skill building information and support from other employed women.

Al Exito Latina Leadership and Success

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The Al Éxito (AÉ) afterschool program empowers young Latinas, 6th-12th grade, from rural communities in Franklin, Wright, and Tama counties to succeed in school and in life through academic achievement, leadership development, and civic engagement.

Emerging Leaders Fellowship

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Building on the success of Love GIRLS Magazine (LGM), “The Emerging Leaders Fellowship” will provide young women 13 and over with support and mentorship to launch a small business or community project.

Harvesting Our Potential Training Women Farmers

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Through Harvesting Our Potential: Training Women Farmers, this program connects women who aspire to farm with a successful woman farmer as a mentor for critical on-farm experience, networking events, and business training, so they will be successful farmers.