
Cedar Valley Kids design project

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Cedar Valley Kids (CVK) will provide high-quality childcare to infants through school-age children. Ideally, CVK will build two or more sites, each serving about 100 children, in Waterloo. Funding will be used for initial design expenses which can then be replicated for additional sites and not duplicated saving funds for construction and startup costs.

CECC Expansion

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The Community Early Childhood Center (CECC) expansion project will add a 4,908 square foot addition on to the north side of the current one level facility, allowing CECC to increase the number of children to whom we can provide child care services from 151 children to 207.

ESL Child Care Program

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Centro Latino—Council Bluffs District Hispanic Ministries’ “ESL Child Care” program aims to eliminate a barrier preventing Spanish-speaking women from attending ESL classes by providing frequent, quality child care services.

Refugee Child Care Microenterprise Program

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LSI assists refugee women in increasing their financial stability by becoming registered in-home child care providers and expanding the number of safe and culturally appropriate places to provide child care for working parents.

Hawkeye Responsive Child Care

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The Hawkeye Responsive Child Care program will provide access to culturally sensitive child care options benefiting both HCC’s most vulnerable students who are also parents, and the students who provide child care services.