Emergency Grants

Applications are Open!

Emergency Grants are one-time-only awards given to nonprofits, child care centers, and grassroot organizations for immediate emergency needs. Funds are awarded at a maximum of $1,000 and a minimum of $300.

These grants are awarded to organizations that address at least one of the six major barriers to the success of Iowa’s women and girls: childcare, education and training, employment, housing, mentorship, and transportation.

Organizations addressing any of these barriers and in need of an Emergency Grant to continue servicing clients are encouraged to apply. The funding cannot be used to respond directly to emergencies of individual clients.

Applying for Emergency Grants

Please review the Emergency Grant Guidelines before completing the online application form below. Once your application is received, you will be notified of your status within approximately 72 hours.


IWF will consider funding requests for the following:

  • Emergency funding that is not budgeted for but is required to respond to emergent, unexpected, or urgent needs
  • Purchase of products, supplies and equipment that are necessary to respond to the emergency and will allow the organization to continue providing services

IWF will not consider funding requests for the following:

  • Political campaigns / PACs
  • Capital campaigns and endowments
  • Capital investments
  • Ongoing annual operating expenses
  • Loans
  • Scholarship/tuition reimbursements
  • Travel
  • Special events
  • Programs serving people who do not live in Iowa
  • Grants to individuals, for-profit entities and sectarian religious programs


  • Emergency Grant applications are accepted throughout the calendar year and close when available funds are fully allocated. Once closed, they will reopen in January of the following year.
  • Funds must be used within 30 days of check receipt unless special arrangements have been approved in advance.
  • Grant recipients will complete a report within 30 days of expenditure.
  • The maximum request is $1,000 and the minimum request is $300. Larger grant requests should be made to IWF’s Core Grant program.
  • Notification of Emergency Grant awards take approximately 72 hours.
  • Organizations may not receive more than one Emergency Grant per calendar year.
  • Only nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations, child care centers, and grassroots groups serving women and girls in Iowa are eligible to apply.

Should you have any questions as you complete this application, please reach out to grants@iawf.org

Emergency Grant Application

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available online for $22!

Each design shares an important message while proceeds help further IWF’s mission to improve the lives of Iowa’s women and girls. Order yours today before they’re gone!