Our Values

At IWF, our principle values underpin every action we take to create the social change we want for Iowa’s women and girls.

Commitment to Diversity

All IWF operations and decision-making will be structured to represent and support the diversity of women in Iowa, and discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated. IWF will serve the full spectrum of girls and women in rural and urban communities throughout the state of Iowa.

Development of Financial Resources

IWF will raise funds from individuals, businesses, organizations, and other entities to support the research, grantmaking, advocacy, education, and collaboration that facilitates positive social change for women and girls in Iowa. We value the contributions of all donors, regardless of the size of the gift.

Expansion of Choices

Projects and activities of IWF will serve to protect and expand—not confine—women’s freedom to make choices in every aspect of their lives. This includes, but is not limited to, employment, religion, lifestyle, health, reproduction, family life, recreation, education, and residence.

Collaborative Partnerships

IWF will seek active, collaborative partnerships with other organizations and community partners to pursue shared goals and avoid duplication of services.

Integrity and Accountability

IWF will maintain the highest fiscal and ethical standards in all its business and will remain accountable to all we serve by making this information publicly available. All activities of the Iowa Women’s Foundation will be nonpartisan and without any political or religious affiliation.

Snag a limited edition
IWF x RAYGUN t-shirt

available online for $22!

Each design shares an important message while proceeds help further IWF’s mission to improve the lives of Iowa’s women and girls. Order yours today before they’re gone!