2022 Top 10 Accomplishments

2022 was a year of research, collaboration, and advocacy for the Iowa Women’s Foundation. Every effort is a step toward shattered barriers, economic self-sufficiency, and success for women and girls across the state.


10.  Expand staff from 2.5 people to a team of 5 full-time employees; including President and CEO (Dawn Oliver Wiand), Program Manager (Ann Parker), Development Manager (Lori Lane), Finance and Office Manager (Hannah Rickert) and Employer Engagement Director (Sheri Penney). Introduced next President and CEO Deann Cook.


9. Upgraded technology-based systems for accounting, donor management and grant administration and operations.


8. Continued the partnership with the University of Iowa Tippie College of Business and the University of Northern Iowa School of Business Women in Business student organizations to address the mentoring barrier for young women.


7. Continued to be a go-to resource for the media and elected officials at the Local, State and National levels.


6. Diversified financial resources and increased operating revenue from $662,396 in 2021 to $951,773 in 2022 resulting in an increase of 43.7%.


5. IWF’s Legacy campaign went public and is currently at 82% of its $3 million goal.


4. Expanded the Building Community Child Care Solutions collaborative to 56 communities with  hundreds of volunteers working together to increase access to quality affordable child at the local level, so women can stay in the workforce, return to the workforce or access the education/training needed to enhance their careers and be economically self-sufficient.


3. Collaborated with Iowa Child Care Coalition members, traveling the state, meeting with legislators and other stakeholders to inform them of the dire statistics behind the child care crisis, and working to ensure that any proposed legislation relating to child care in 2022 focused on quality and safety.


2. Partnered with Iowa Economic Development Authority to hire an Employment Engagement Director to work with businesses wanting to make an investment in child care for their employees. Currently, working with over 100 businesses across the state.


1. Expanded IWF Core, Child Care Solutions, and Emergency grantmaking from $160,000 in 2021 to $370,000 in 2022, an increase of 131%.


Thank you to all the donors, staff, volunteers, and community partners who helped the Foundation achieve these goals and so much more over the years. We are grateful for the ongoing support as we work to improve the lives of women and girls in Iowa.

Snag a limited edition
IWF x RAYGUN t-shirt

available online for $22!

Each design shares an important message while proceeds help further IWF’s mission to improve the lives of Iowa’s women and girls. Order yours today before they’re gone!