$100K in Grants!

Eleven organizations have been awarded $100,000 collectively for programs addressing one of six identified barriers to women and girls’ economic self-sufficiency: Employment, Child Care, Housing, Education/Training, Transportation, and Mentoring.

Grantees were announced at the annual luncheon on October 7th at the Hyatt Regency Coralville. Those receiving an award are:

  • Boys and Girls Clubs of the Midlands, Council Bluffs/Carter Lake
  • Catherine McAuley Center, Cedar Rapids
  • Easterseals Iowa, Des Moines
  • Girls on the Run Eastern Iowa, Iowa City
  • Hawkeye Community College Foundation, Waterloo
  • Homes of Oakridge Human Services, Des Moines
  • Lutheran Services in Iowa, Des Moines
  • Opening Doors, Dubuque
  • UI Labor Center, Iowa City
  • Women Food & Agriculture Network, Ames
  • YWCA Clinton, Clinton

For details on each program, click here.

Congratulation to each of these programs receiving a Core Grant for 2022.

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IWF x RAYGUN t-shirt

available online for $22!

Each design shares an important message while proceeds help further IWF’s mission to improve the lives of Iowa’s women and girls. Order yours today before they’re gone!