Expanding Supportive Housing for Women – CORE Grant

The goal of this project is to expand support to women in need of housing and services as they heal from trauma and regain stability in their lives. While it specifically focuses on housing, there is a tight interconnectedness with employment, childcare and education related barriers. Recognizing the need for a “next step” for women who are making progress in the program but not yet ready to live a fully independent life, CMC recently introduced its Supportive Housing Program. It fills that need by providing an environment where women are living together in a home, making decisions as a collective and holding each other accountable for how they’ve agreed to live together, while continuing to rebuild their lives. Services they received as residents in the Transitional Housing Program are still part of their care and delivered in the same way, using a trauma-informed, female responsive approach. This includes ongoing case management, skill-building, and group learning along with having access to community resources. Women in Supportive Housing are also gaining experience with managing a housing budget and rebuilding their credit history through monthly rent payments they are required to make.